Get LinkedIn

A really great social media account I have recently discovered is that of LinkedIn.  For those of you who do not know what LinkedIn is I will tell you.  You set up an online profile for yourself however, this profile is different than something you would fill our for Twitter, or Facebook.  This is for the most part a site to look for a job and connect with colleagues.  So, you fill out your profile almost like your resume.

Over to the right, you will see a short pic of what you need to fill out.  Your experience is a huge part of this site.  You can also be endorsed for certain things on your profile.  If you are looking to connect with colleagues or find a job, this is a great place to start.  If you are interested, go to LinkedIn and get started!

This is a small pic of my LinkedIn profile page.

This is a small pic of my LinkedIn profile page.

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Need To Know Something? Google It

Need to know how many people are living in China? Go to Google.  Maybe you want to find out how many 3 pointers Allen Iverson made in his NBA career.  Google it.  How many times did Aerosmith go platinum with an album? Find it on Google.

Yes, this is how information is found, an online search engine called Google.  When I was in elementary school, computers still were not that widely used and was not in my home with internet until I was in junior high.  With that being said I remember looking things up in an Encyclopedia (For someone born after 1994: An encyclopedia was a set of books or volumes that held all of the information one could possibly need).  Google is now a way of life, if you need to know something, you Google it.  It is recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary as a verb.  Google it, or click this link if you don’t believe me.

My Google Top 5

  1. Google Chrome – Internet browser
  2. Gmail – They supply your email services
  3. Google Search – Obvi this is important
  4. Google Plus – Your connecting with friends in your circles
  5. Google Maps – Sorry iPhone, Google Maps are way better

Oh b.t.w. they own YouTube


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Employer’s Look At My Social Media Accounts?

I have always been told that you needed to watch what you put on your social media for fear of who was going to see your information/posting.  Some friends I know were worried that their mom or dad might know what they were posting and would get in trouble.  Well as I have graduated college and gone through the process of job hunting, I can say that there is no worse fear than an employer looking at your social media accounts and not hiring you for something on there.

Reasons why an employer might not hire you

  1. Photographs – Maybe they found that one picture of you on your friends 22nd birthday with the beer in your hand.
  2. Beliefs – What? You’re a liberal? well that won’t work here at our firm.
  3. Age – Legally they can’t ask your age, well they found on Facebook you are 43, “we wanted to find someone a little younger for the position”
  4. Any number of reasons they might disagree with you

My Take

Let me tell you, I think this is RIDICULOUS!  There is no way in my mind that what is on your personal social media accounts that affects your job.  If you are well qualified for the job why shouldn’t you be offered the job? This link discusses how some businesses are asking people in interviews to provide them right then and there with their social media accounts.  Well that is completely uncalled for and should not be allowed.  Luckily there is legislation in some states that are not allowing this!

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Get Your Blog On: The Blogging Generation


Need an avenue to let everyone know your thoughts on your love for skittles? Maybe you have an idea for economic dilemma in the United States, or would like to compare John Wayne to Ben Affleck.  The latest way to let everyone know knew information/their opinion on the world is to blog about it.  Not only are people blogging for their personal lives, businesses are now adding blogs as part of their way to reach out to customers.

Top Reasons You Should Blog

  1. Tell A Story – People like to hear from other people.
  2. Promote Yourself – Get your name or your company out to the masses.
  3. Show Creativity – Share your artsy side and potential employers what you are capable of.
  4. Share Your Opinion – Let the world know how your feel about current topics and situations.
  5. Network – Connect with other people who share similar interests.
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Facebook’s Latest Update: The Graph Search


These are but a few of the cries my friends and co-workers have stated with the latest Facebook update: The Graph Search.  The last link is to that of a Forbes contributor and his take on Facebook’s latest update.  I do say, he makes a few solid points about the latest search engine to add into Facebook’s social search.  For those of you who don’t know what this is, you will basically be able to search for anything that your friends like or recommend.  For an example you can search for ‘movies my friends like’ or ‘Mexican restaurants in San Francisco my friends like’.

My Take –

This is just the next step in the process for Facebook.  Since Facebook went public in 2012, they have had to cater to not just customer service but more importantly to their investors.  Facebook going public, that’s a whole other story and I personally think you can’t blame Mark Zuckerberg for creating a company and upon

going public becoming $20 plus billion richer.  At first everyone will complain about this new step just like they have every other new process for Facebook.  Has anyone been leaving Facebook?  No they just continue to gain more followers and in the long haul this will only help Facebook continue to take over the internet.

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Why Social Media needs to be used in your college campus’s Greek community!

ImageThe fraternity and sorority world has been around for over 2 centuries!  They have had to evolve with time as has the rest of society.  A major change businesses and organizations all around the world has seen, is that of the implementation of social media.  Social media is no different in Greek life as it has begun to play a key role in how fraternity men and women market themselves.  An easy way to have great PR for your Greek community is to begin using social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.


  1. Potential New Members – Recruit new members by reaching out via social media sites.
  2. Brag About Accomplishments – Let the world know of the good deeds your Greek community has and is accomplishing.
  3. Communicate With Members – Need to let the members know when? where? why? or what? Send a tweet, write a post.
  4. Promote Events – Invite people outside of the Greek community to your events.
  5. Everyone’s Doing It – A huge majority of people, especially college students use social media, reach out to them!
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New Member Exchange

This March Panhellenic and IFC hosted the first annual Greek Life New Member exchange.  The theme was It’s On Like Neon!  This was a blacklight party in the ballroom of the Findlay Student Center.  Members of the IFC and Panhellenic events committee worked hard for several months in preparation for the event.  The Usual Suspects were asked to DJ the event while highlighters were passed out to everyone who walked in.  Most were white tee shirts to be able to draw on with other neon clothing items to accessorize with. Over a hundred people were in attendance and it looks as if this will be an event to carry on into the future.  Please watch the video below and see how much fun everyone had!

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Twelve of Drury Greek life’s student leaders attended AFLV in St. Louis Missouri this past February.  AFLV stands for the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values Conference.  Every year thousands of Greek life students, professionals, and speakers come together to discuss all kinds of subjects.  For three straight days, the students attended sessions pertaining to their jobs and focuses in Greek life.  Recruitment, academics, leadership, alumni relations, and even self-motivation topics were some of the many discussed.


The conference ended with a banquet in which the women dressed in black cocktail dresses and men wore matching red bowties and pocket squares with their black suits.  At the banquet many universities were recognized for their hard work over the year by providing award packets, which detailed all of the great things they put together and participated in throughout the school year.  As Drury has never sent in award packets before, those in attendance were very excited in getting this started at Drury to bring home the hardware for next year.  IFC Recruitment chair Ethan Auten had this to say, “It was really cool to see all of the Greek councils get excited for their university when they won.  I hope next year to be able to walk across the stage as they call out Drury University and hear my fellow Drury Greek Panthers ROAR!”


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Greek Excellence Awards


Every year the Student Activities office likes to award those that have worked hard that academic school year.  Drury students, staff, and faculty were all awarded with scholarships and awards at this years’ ceremony.  The event is hosted by the Greek honor society Gamma Sigma Alpha.  It was held in Clara Thompson Hall on Drury’s campus and was standing room only.  This year the Gamma Sigma Alpha officers decided to make it a little more fun by asking the chapters to dress unique to represent their chapters instead of the usual formal wear.  The event was a hit!  Chapter members rolled out in full force as the fraternity and sorority colors and letters were visible to everyone in attendance.  The following are the awards and scholarships handed out:


Ron Neville Outstanding Service Scholarships: Mat Stockstill (Lambda Chi Alpha), Vito Lombardo (Lambda Chi Alpha), Haleigh Brown (Delta Delta Delta), Hillary Myers (Delta Delta Delta), Larry Page (Sigma Pi), Cody Sullivan (Lambda Chi Alpha), Brennan Scott (Lambda Chi Alpha)

Legacy of Alpha Phi Scholarship: Sally Pollock (Pi Beta Phi)

New Member Scholarships: Cody Stepp (Sigma Pi), Hillary Myers (Delta Delta Delta), Alicia Battin (Kappa Delta), Kaleigh Jurgensmeyer (Pi Beta Phi), Jamie Carney (Zeta Tau Alpha)

Staff of the Year: Doug Favor (Facilities)

Faculty of the Year: Scott Petrich (Chemistry)

Academic Department of the Year: Breech School of Business

Administrative Department of the Year: Admissions

Distinguished Service Award: Jeff Brandhorst (Sigma Pi), Cassie Walton (Delta Delta Delta)

Innovation Award: Vito Lombardo (Lambda Chi Alpha), Kappa Delta Sorority

Living Your Values Award: Zach Davisson (Kappa Alpha), Corinne McEwen (Pi Beta Phi)

Outstanding Alumni: John Taylor (Kappa Alpha), Jordan Fry (Lambda Chi Alpha), Greg Huntsman (Sigma Nu), Kent Otto (Sigma Pi), Sarah Montgomery (Delta Delta Delta), Tori Sallee (Kappa Delta), Abby Glenn (Pi Beta Phi), Kristen Humphreys (Zeta Tau Alpha)

Outstanding New Fraternity Member: Burton Guion (Lambda Chi Alpha)

Outstanding New Sorority Member: Megan Reidy (Pi Beta Phi)

Outstanding Fraternity Member: Cody Sullivan (Lambda Chi Alpha)

Outstanding Sorority Member: Micheala Stienmetz (Delta Delta Delta)

Greek Week Champion: Sigma Pi, Kappa Delta

Standards of Excellence: Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Delta Delta

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